GUIJUTECH Shenzhen Branch is dedicated to "AI serving humanity," specializing in innovative AI solutions across computer vision, NLP, and more. With over 8 years of expertise, our R&D team excels in advanced AI models and technologies. We’ve developed groundbreaking systems like AI generation and OCR, with a strong track record in both competitive and practical applications. We remain committed to advancing responsible AI and fostering a future where humans and AI coexist harmoniously.

EmotiW 2019 & 2020

Silver Medalist with a paper on Attention Prediction Algorithms


Bronze and silver medals in multiple machine learning and deep learning challenges

Caos Image

Company Culture

Leading Technology with Intelligence, Creating the Future with Technology

science and technology oriented

Technology drives productivity, and AI is at the forefront. Gathering Technology leverages AI innovations like natural language understanding and face recognition to turn AI into practical, commercial products.

achievement client

Our technologies and services should deeply integrate into real-life, learning, and work scenarios. We aim to deeply understand users, support their growth, and create lasting value for both users and society.

valuing talent

Talent is the key to innovation and development. We prioritize talent development with a long-term vision, focusing on nurturing skilled professionals and expanding our talent base.

creative and pragmatic

We maintain a high level of technology, utilize our imagination, and have the courage to innovate products; we are also grounded and work in a practical manner to promote the deep integration of AI and products.

serving the society

Kindness is more important than cleverness, and AI technology is correctly utilized to serve people's livelihoods, society, improve business operations and services as well as enhance quality of life.




+86 14743508792


1605, Building 1, Longguang Century Mansion, No. 23, Haixiu Road, N23 District, Seaside Community, Xin'an Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China